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For more than 125 years now, our mission has been to create 100% gentle care baby products in the world. Guided by our mission to create 100% gentle care products - our products contain no formaldehyde, no asbestos, no paraben & definitely no harmful chemicals.

Our Mission

For over 125 years Johnson’s® mission has been to create the gentlest baby products in the world.
Products so pure and mild, they can be used from the very moment of birth.
That’s our standard of gentle.
And today, we’re raising it even higher.
Leading the industry in formulating best-for-baby products with the minimum needed
ingredients, and meeting or exceeding the top internationally recognized regulatory standards.
But gentle isn't only in our bottles, it is also in our heart.
At Johnson’s® we believe in the immense, transformative power of gentle in the world.
Of being gentle with our children, and with their dreams and ambitions.
Gentle with each other.
Gentle with the earth.
Gentle with our words and thoughts and actions.
Gentle means safe. Gentle means pure. Gentle means confident. Gentle means happy.

And know that when it comes to what’s best for your baby, everything we make,
everything we do, and everything we stand for is as gentle as you want the world to be.

Everything changed from the first moment I held you and I realized that only good is not enough-it has to be the gentlest and the best for your delicate,sensitive skin! " At Johnson's,we understand this. That is why we have IMPROVED even the smallest thing in Johnson's so that your baby gets only 100% gentle care, from Day 1. We chose only the most essential & even purer ingredients. Purity which is visible in our transparent bottles & felt with an even safer fragrance.

Trust Johnson's | Choose Gentle Powder (Hindi)

Trust Johnson's | Choose Gentle Shampoo (Hindi)

What It Takes to Choose Gentle: Our Promises to You

  • mission-1.png

    Never Stop Raising the Bar

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    Only Use Purposeful Ingredients

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    Be Open and Honest

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    Think Like a Parent First

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    Help Make the World a Gentler Place



Explore the range of Johnson's® : 100% gentle care. From Day 1.

Guided by our mission to create the gentlest products backed by science, and our desire to address parents’ growing needs – we’ve improved inside and out.

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